Team Bennett
March of Dimes 6 mile walk for babies.
My cousin Julie and her husband Joel and their son Bennett (aka-Mr. B)
were the Thurston County Family Team Chairs.
Read about their amazing story on her blog.
Mr. B
At the Olympia High School
Waiting to start our walk
What a beautiful walk
And we couldn't believe it didn't rain on us
Farmers sponsored a check-point
Denny and Renee were nice to man the booth while I walked with the family
Although I had a great time getting the booth ready for the walk
This was the spot that you would place a pin-wheel for babies that have passed away.
Jen and I finished first so I could get pictures of everyone
(Yes this will be the only time I finish before other ppl) LOL
That is all Team Bennett coming to the finish line
Proud Daddy - Joel
After there was alot of tired babies
Bennett was ready for a cracker from grandma
At the same time we were all walking in Olympia
My aunt Pam and cousin Emily and her daughter Paige were walking in the Richland
March of Dimes also for Team Bennett
Team Bennett raised over $5,500
I'm so proud of Julie, Joel, and Bennett for everything they have done and the way
they have overcome all the obstacles life has thrown at them.
They are a family to be looked up to,
And an inspiration to many.
Love you all .....
What a great day
What a great day
Can't wait to do it again next year