September 18, 2011

Cooks Hill Run / Go Girl Weekend...

OK, once again a busy weekend behind us.
Started out at 6:30 am Saturday morning for the
Cooks Hill Challenge that our agency along with Centralia Rotary put on.
A 5K walk/run and a 10 mile run.
(which Renee, Brooke & I did last year)
It rained almost the whole time.
I was really glad I wasn't running this year.
After the run Renee, Denny, and I manned our Farmers booth.
Not sure yet how much money we raised for the
March of Dimes and & Eradication of Global Polio.

Up again and out of town by 6:30 Sunday morning for the
Go Girl in Tacoma.
We did the 10K.
We thought we were going to get totally wet,
but it only sprinkled a couple of times.
Katie, Sami, Pam, Meghan, and I.
(this was Meghan's first event like this)
Sami and 3 of her friends.
Off and running.
There were a lot of women running.
Some men did it but they had to wear pink. LOL
Of course right off the bat Katie, Sami and Meghan were gone.
With Pam right behind then.
We ran 2 miles out and there was a turn around.
We all had on our Capital City 1/2 Marathon shirts  so we could spot each other easily.
I saw Katie, then Pam and  Sami but no Meghan.
A coupe of minutes later I saw Meghan next to a pole getting sick.
She said she wasn't ready for this race but I didn't think she was that not ready.
When I got to where I saw she before I turned around she was gone.
So I just kept running.
After awhile I saw her up ahead of me.
She looked back and saw me.
I told her we would just take it easy and walk and run when she could.
But we would finish together.
She was thinking it was some medicine she took in the morning that
didn't settle on her tummy too well.  

Pam so lied when she said the course was flat.
I told her she is a teacher she should be able to read a map and see what the elevation is. LOL
There were lots of hills.

Katie was the first to cross the finish line.
Pam next.
Then Sami.
Then finally Meghan & I.
Meghan with all the goodies we all got.
Of course we had to stay for the awards ceremony.
Yes, once again it was Pam that got one.
But the first category they called was for 1 to 13 year old.
They called out
"Teri Wiley from Chehalis Washington."
We all looked at each other and cracked up.
Someone must have put me in as a 4 year old not a 44 year old.
No, I didn't go get the awards.
Too funny...

We had to wait for them to get to Pam's category.
She took 2nd place.
Then they inform her that the 1st place woman only beat Pam by 1 second.
That was a bummer.
But great job Pam.
You ROCK!!!
After the ceremony, Denny and Sami walked up to get the truck and
 Pam, Meghan, Katie and I rode the shuttle back to the start line.
No it wasn't the short bus. LOL
We were the last 4 to get on this bus, we had to stand up.
Denny again was our pit crew/knight in shining armor.
We went to celebrate with beer, wine & appetizer's.
Sami's roommate Jessica joined us.

Had a great time.
Glad I didn't push myself with me being sick, since
I have not been able to work out or run..
Now I can get training for the
Leavenworth Oktoberfest 1/2 Marathon on October 15th.
Thanks Sami, Pam, Katie & Meghan for a great run,
and Denny for again taking care of all us women.
Love you all!!!!

September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend 2011

Had a great Labor Day weekend.
We closed the office for 4 days.
Denny, I and the Rey's took off for Eugene Thursday afternoon.
Renee was running a 1/2 marathon on Sunday.
We planned to go white water rafting on Saturday,
With Ouzel Outfitters on the McKenzie River.
The website said this about the trip.

Spending a full day on the McKenzie means more time on the river,
more whitewater and more fun. The McKenzie is a shimmering jewel set
in the heart of Oregon’s Cascade Mountains and often delivers
the most memorable scenery for visitors to Oregon.
 Don’t be worried if you’re “getting your feet wet” for the first time
or if you’ve already rafted before,
the McKenzie is relatively easy, but fun and very active.
The guides are friendly and highly professional and lunch is delicious and healthy.
This could be the best day of your vacation!

OMG we got the best guides
Cameron and Anthony.
This video is the safety lesson before.
Yea, I was really nervous about
 us getting ready to go.
I did warn everyone about my turrets maybe coming out on the way.

After we got started and our feet were numb and I got used to the water.
We had the best time.
There was a mother and daughter, Jennifer and Vanessa who were from
CA they booked the same trip.
They got on our boat.
I was glad because with Vanessa there I told her if she
didn't whine (she just did a little bit at first) then I would control my turrets.
Worked out well, I only slipped a couple of times.
Cameron taught Vanessa how to be the captain of the boat.
And Andrew did the same with Pascal in their boat.
(I only had the camera, Renee had the video camera)

Cameron and Anthony had our lunch on the boats in coolers.
They even got a table in there too, along with 5 people in each boat.
They created an awesome spread.
It was impressive.
Yes, they even had hand sanitizer for all of us to use.

It was just beautiful.
We would totally do it again, but next time one with more rapids.
Watch the next series of pictures.
That was so much fun.
We got so wet.
Thanks Ouzel Outfitters, Jennifer and Vanessa but most of all
Cameron and Anthony for the best day.
When we book another trip we will be requesting them as our guides.

Then Saturday morning Michel , Nicolas and Denny decided to do a little mountain biking.
(I warned Denny not to go with those Rey boys, they are crazy)
The before picture.
 Ya it kinda took them a little longer.

--Denny wrote--
Our ride was billed as a 26 mile bike trail.
 From the beginning I had an idea I was in over my head.
The first 1/3 of the ride is labeled as a Technical Ride.
 I'm here to tell you it was Technically a %$#@&!!
The first 1.8 miles only took us 2 1/4 hrs.
It was all downhill from there.
Total of 5 3/4 hrs from drop off until we got to my truck.
It was fun but I won't feel the need to repeat that trail.

After Renee got back from dropping them off,
Pascal, Renee, and I went into town and had lunch
then went and got Renee's packet for her 1/2 marathon the next morning.
We brought our bike but for a more relaxing bike ride around the river.

        We went back to camp and waited for our guys.
OK... I have to say we laughed our asses off when they got back
and we saw how they looked.
 (After we made sure they were OK LOL)
After picture.
Denny had ripped the bottom of his shirt off for a bandage for Michel after he bit it really hard.
He should have gone and gotten stitches.

Sunday morning I got up and took Renee to the start line and dropped her off.
I went back to camp and about an hour later we all went to the
finish line to watch her come across.
 Here she is coming around the corner to the finish line.
(Pink shirt & white hat)

She finished the Eugene half marathon.
She said the first 9 miles rocked and she was right on schedule to finish under 2 hrs.
Unfortunately, hip problems and being wiser in her old age she walked for 3 miles!
She finished the last mile strong!
We got to witness a near collapse at the finish!
As soon as she came across the medic's got on either side of her
and another one tried to put her in a wheelchair.
Yea, she didn't let that happen.
She said she would definitely do it again next year.
I will be doing it with her. 
 Beautiful course.Great job Renee!!!!

What a beautiful city.
Can't wait to go back next year.

We all left Sunday morning after Renee's run.
Denny and I went to Hood's Canal
to camp for the night with
 the Jones's, the Prill's, the Colter's and the Edler's.
We stopped at home and picked up Chris.
We got lucky, they saved seafood night until then. 
We got up the next morning to a beautiful view of the water right out our door.

Once again another great weekend over......