June 23, 2012

Seattle Rock & Roll - Tattoo Time

Pam & I took off early Friday to avoid any traffic to Seattle, 
so we could get our 
packets for the 
Seattle Rock & Roll 1/2 marathon.
You see how that worked out for us. 
The sign lied, we weren't even going 5 mph.

After paying the entry fee to even run in the race.
 (which we didn't' have any problem with) 
But when we had  to pay $15 just to park to get our packets  we
had a little problem with that.
It was a great event they planned and great vendors to see and talk to. 
There was going to be over 20,000 runners. 
We had already paid $20.00 for a parking pass for the next morning. 
You have to be in your parking spot no later then 6am. 
The run starts at 7am. 

Pam and I started thinking we didn't want to fight that traffic in the morning, so
we sat on the floor at check in and called local hotel's
to see if we could find a room.
We found a couple but they were over $300.00 a night.
So we decided to NOT stay in a hotel, and we headed to
my daughter Sami's place in Tacoma. 
 Then got stuck in traffic again and it was still raining tons.
We didn't want to fight the traffic at 4:30 am and didn't want to
run in 70% chance of rain.
So I looked at Pam and said
"I'm good with not coming back up in the morning"
She totally agreed.
Then we stopped for dinner and a glass of wine, to relax.
Sami didn't get off work until 7 pm so we had time to kill. 

What a fun time with my daughter and aunt.
Tino (Sami's boy friend came home for a bit, but had a graduation party to go to)
So us girls played phase 10 and drank wine or beer and listened to music.
Pam and I said we had to at least get pictures with us in the outfits I got us.
Yes we are that crazy LOL

 Had to get a little hula hooping in.
This is a picture of my rock star daughter studying to become a nurse.
I can't believe the rotation she likes best is surgery.
She sure didn't get that from mom. I hate anything gross.
It takes a very special person to care for others, and
I'm so proud to be able to say my daughter is one of those special people.
Love you Sami.

So the next morning, Sami & Tino got up and went to 
Portland for a day of shopping. 
Pam & I got up and went to her daughter Meghan's house. 
Her husband Wes is not only in the Army but is also a tattoo artist. 
He has been working on the tattoo that I wanted. 
Both of my kids have a tattoo for our family. 
Each has their own design but both include 
DTCS 4 life. 
Each of our first initials. 
Here is Chris's
Here is Sami's  

Here is the only tattoo I have right now. 
It is on my hip. 
This small tattoo hurt so bad I had to go back twice to get it done. 
I got this one about 15 years ago.
I remember my mom having to hold my leg still. 

I was freaking out about getting it all morning,
 because I'm the biggest wimp you have ever met.
Wes still needed to work on the design when we got there so 
I had some time before he started.

When he got it done, Meghan made 5 different sizes for me to pick from.
 I picked the second to the smallest. 

By this time I was really to puke.
Meghan put a couple of lidocaine packets to kind of numb the skin a little. 
I also took some drugs to relax me. 

Holy SHIT here we go. 

He got to a point where he needed me to sit up on a chair, so I got up and walked over to the the kitchen table chair and sat down. I turned around and he is laughing and said "I need to tattoo you over here" LOL 
I think the drugs were kicked in. 

I had my iPod blasting in my ears so I couldn't hear the needle, and when it was hurting really bad I would turn it way up. I think it helped to take my mind off of it. 
I can't believe I was doing as well as I was, in NO way was I going to let Wes do all that work designing it and then not going through with it. Plus I have wanted this for a long time. I just kept thinking that I can make it through each line, he would only do it for a couple of seconds then take the needle up to change places. 
That would help me thinking of that. 

Now to the color ink. 
Wes asked me what color's I wanted to roses?
I wanted one yellow for my grandma, I knew I wanted a red one, then 
I thought a black one was prefect for me. 
I just kept telling him "I have 100% faith in him to make it beautiful" 
I did have to get up and take more drugs 2 different times. 
After awhile my body started really hurting and so I started 
shaking and my leg going up and down. 
I think the last hour Wes kept telling me to sit still. 
I'm like "I'm trying" LOL 

Denny finally got there. 
He really wasn't hip on me getting another tattoo, but he did say he really liked it. 
I couldn't believe how painful it was and long it took. 
I was really getting to the end of my rope.

Wes got done and wiped it off and put some Aquaphor healing ointment
on it and said we are done for today.
I looked at him and the tears started rolling down my face. 
I was so tired, I can't believe how much this takes out of you. 
Well here is what it looked like after 7 hours of hellish pain. 

He put the black rose and the yellow rose on the top,
perfect for me and my grandma to be on top. 
  We still need to add more color to them,to brighten them, and also
 fix the "D" so it is looks more like a "D" also add the "4 life"
and maybe some vines.
It is really cool because if you turn it (me) upside down it looks the same.
 This is already way bigger then I wanted but now I want more added to it.
This is it the next morning, the colors are really starting to show,
 without all the redness.

I'm totally in love with this tattoo and the meaning behind this. 
With the letters of my husband, mine, and both our kids. 
The rose's - I never thought before about why I love roses so much until while I was writing this I remembered that when I was about 10 my dad bought me a wooden candle holder with a glass blown chimney with 3 roses on it. 
(the chimney part broke on long time ago, 
but I do still have the wooden part that is in my living room.) 
Also my grandma's favorite flower was a yellow rose, 
and my favorite color is black. 
And really special because of who gave it to me. 
Thank you so much for putting so much effort and time into this for me. 
Love you Wes.

After the tattooing session was over Meghan had cooked a great dinner. 
I ate and had 2 beers, and was falling asleep on their couch.
So Denny said "OK babe, let's go home" and I slept all the way home. 

I can't wait to see how if turn's out in a couple of weeks after this one heals. 

Again this was another eventful weekend in my life. 
Thanks to everyone who was with me. Love you all.
I'm Loving life..... 

June 16, 2012

A night with Mr. B.

What a fun Friday night we had. 
Julie and Joel had a graduation to go to and they lost their babysitter
 at the last minute, 
so Uncle Denny and Aunt T got to come and play with Bennett all night.
Julie came down and got me so we didn't have two cars at their house. 
I did a little video for Bennett. 
Julie said he was trying to tell me (the video) what kind of pizza they got. 

Denny had a last appointment so Mr B and I had a couple hours alone. 
He is so cute. I just love that kid. 
We got a couple of bike rides in and played on the tractor, played a ball game and tried
to do the bubbles, but he spilled them and I tried to make more with
dish soap but it didn't work. 
We called Unlce Denny and asked him to bring us some more bubbles. 

The first ride we couldn't find his helmet. I said "Bennett do you have a helmet?" 
He said "No, I don't need one" 
I said "I know your mom would have one for you"
we just couldn't find it then. 

He wasn't paying attention and ended up in the bushes. 
He looks at me and said "pick it up" 
I told him "it's your bike you pick it up" LOL 

Then we went back to the house and found some sidewalk chalk. 

More tractor fun and had to jump on the flat bed trailer. 

Back on the bikes, this time with the helmet. 
We were in search of tractors and back hoes.

We were both getting hungry so back to the house to cook the pizza. 
Bennett looked cute in my shoes. 

I asked him if he needed to go pottie and he said "no, my wiener is locked" 
OMG where do kids come up with things like that. 
Too funny. 
We did get a little "google+" time with my mom Linda. 
Bennett was telling her all about the tractor. 

With a mouth full of pizza he's asking Uncle Denny if he is going to take 
him on a ride on the "Green Tractor" 
Too cute. 

Back on the bikes to go find Uncle Denny. 
YAAAAA he's here. 
Now the real fun begins.

Hurry up, let's go on the tractor. 

Got bubbles. 

I even got a ride.

Bubble time. 

When we were playing in the back yard a couple of big jet plane's kept flying by. 
They were really loud. 
I got some it on video. This video is about 12 mins long but worth watching. 
He is just too stinking cute. 

This video is our bike ride with Uncle Denny.

Back to the tractor..

Off to the bath. 

Now snuggle time on the couch. 
We were going to "google+" Grandma Ruth but my phone died and 
she was waiting for me to text her and I couldn't. 
So next time we will make sure we see her. 
We couldn't figure out how to turn the dvd player on so we had to watch
 "Undercover Boss" 
It was all about "Mac" trucks, so we were good to go with Bennett. 
He loved it. 

Hurley even got in on some snuggle time. 

He's got a mouth full of water and I made him start to laugh. 

When Julie and Joel came home Mr. B was already in bed fast asleep. 
I think we wore him out. I know he did me, I had fallen asleep on the 
couch before Bennett. LOL 
I did get a couple of minutes of snuggle time with little Miss  Anna. 
She is so sweet. Love her.

This is her at 4 months. 

Julie and Joel thank you so much for asking us to babysit, 
we had an AWESOME night. 
Can't wait to do it again. 
Love all of you!!!!!