This weekend was unreal.
Every minute of it was just amazing.
It was so awesome to do my first triathlon
with my daughter Sami and my aunt Pam
On our way to get our packets on Friday.
Of course we had to try things on and then go look at the park and the lake.
Blue Lake Park in Fairview, OR
Pam made each of us our own transition towel with matching bags,
nice and bright so we know which area was ours during the race.
They rocked!!!
The TP's Team.
(Pam and I always fight whether the toilet paper should be rolling over or under.)
BTW-- The correct way is OVER
We had a great support team.
My mom, Bruce, Jeanie, Kip & Evie all came for dinner Friday night.
Chef Denny of course cooked for us all.
After a night of no sleep for any of us girls.
We were up and our
pit crew/photographers (Denny & Paul)
had us out the door and to the park for our race.
OMG by this time we were all freaking out.
Going into the body marking area.
Each person had their number on one leg and their age on the other.
Each athlete also had a timing chip on their ankle.
On to our transition position.
Pam and I got next to each and Sami was right in front of us.
Our #'s
Pam 1047 age 62 - 2 in her age group 60 - 64
Me 1048 age 44 - 21 in my age group 40 - 44
Sami 1077 age 21 - 3 in her age group 20 - 24
There is a mandatory meeting for all first timers.
By this time we are all thinking...
What the Hell are we doing?
Then it was time to get your wet suit on and go to the water.
Sami at the last minute decided to swim without a wet suit on.
You get time to get your body acclimated to the water and watch the other teams go first.
Because we were the tri-it group, we all went last.
The younger women in our group did go before
Pam and I because they will likely swim faster than us old people LOL.
For some reason by this time I was so calm.
Pam on the other hand wasn't, her teeth were chattering so hard I thought she was going to break a tooth.
I said "Pam get all the way in the water and move around."
She did calm down some.
Pam and I had pink caps on and Sami's was gold.
Then it was our turn.
We went in 9 waves of people.
Sami's group was # 8 and then 3 minutes later Pam and I went.
Look at that my baby is right out front.
OK mine and Pam's turn.
Pam and I are in the front over to the right.
As all us girls are getting into the water, a bunch of us are saying
"I'm getting over to the right our of people's way"
It got to the point there were so many of us saying that,
one girls said
"we can't all be to the right" LOL The swimming by far was the worst part for me.
I did pretty well until I swallowed some water.
then I started to freak out.
My breathing started getting really bad and fast.
The girls that were around me were making sure I was OK
and they were going as slow and I was.
There were a couple that were having just as hard of a time as I was.
I think over all only 1 woman got into the boat and was out of the race.
Our swim was a 1/4 mile.
The orange cones in the water were the ones we had to go around.
Sami was the first of the three of us out of the water.
Then Pam.
Then me.
Yes my head never went under water.
It's true, I'm a nose plugger.
I didn't even use my goggles.
I spotted Denny on the beach and knew I had made it.
I wouldn't take my eyes off him. I just kept thanking the girls around me for getting me through that swim.
Then to our first transition.
Going from the swim to biking.
Pam and I had said that we were going to try and stay together.
She was almost ready to leave when I got to my bike.
I did the transition really fast.
Paul & Denny liked this lady's transition style.
You have to walk your bike out until you reach the
pavement and they tell you, you can mount your bike.
On the way, Pam yells back to me
"are you back there Teri"
I didn't know that was her yelling so I didn't answer.
And a guy standing at the fence yells
" I guess she's not there"
Then I heard that and we all started laughing.
Sami was long gone.
We were right together until we got on the road and my brakes were rubbing.
At first I thought I had a flat tire.
Then I figured out it was the brakes.
One side way rubbing. I thought if I stopped I would lose more time then if I just rode harder.
Not true, I should have stopped because I lost at least 7 minutes on my ride.
I did have my camera on my bike so I got some great shoots.
Here comes Sami in from the 12 mile bike ride.
Here comes Pam.
Pam getting ready for her run.

Then me.
Now going from the biking to running.
The run is 3 miles.
I do see Sami and Pam on the run.
The route was a out 1.5 then turn around and 1.5 to the finish line.
I saw Sami coming towards me and I yelled,
" My daughter ROCKS".
And she said
"My mom's the BEST".
She said the lady in front of her said
"I would have never thought that was your mom".
Then a little bit later I saw Pam coming.
I yelled
"My aunt kicks ASS".
she yells
"My niece ROCKS"
Each person has a picture of finishing and a video, thanks to Jeanie.
Sami finishing
Pam finishing
I was about 12 minutes behind them.

Then last but not least ME!!!!
We all finished.....

At the awards ceremony.
Sami placed 3rd in her age group.
Pam placed 1st in her age group.
Of course she had to get the microphone when she got her award.
She had to tell everyone that we were 3 generations doing our first tri.
The guys asked me why I didn't have extra bling?
"I said because I'm slower then them"
But really I had more people in my age group.
FYI -- Remember how many people they had in their age groups.
Pam was the only one to finish in her group Lol.
Sami was less then a minute behind the 2nd place girl.
I did finish 17th out of 21 women.
I'm so proud of all of us.
Our goal was to do it under 2 hours.
Our times--
Pam - 1:42:23
Mine - 1:55:04
1/4 swim, 12 mile bike ride & 3 mile run
I'm a proud mom right now.
This was Sami's first ever organized
event and she only decided to do it last week.
We did the mini tri last weekend (posted below)
I'm so honored to have her as my daughter.
Love you sweetie.
There was a kids mini tri going on.
WOW what a kick in the pants.
They were so cute. One girl was 4 years old with a pink bike and training wheels.
That is so great to start the kids out that young with excercise.
Our pit crew got us home all safe and tired.
Yes by this time we are ready for beer and wine.
Look at the name on the bottle of wine Pam is having.

After we rested awhile and drank, we met Jeanie, Kip and Evie for dinner.
Pam, Paul, Denny & I got up early Sunday morning because they were doing day 2 of the triathlon.
Sunday was men and women.
Each event was longer.
The longest event was
1.5k Swim, 40k Bike, 10k Run
WOW those people can go.
After we watched that Denny and Paul had a knee exam.
Pam and I are hoping that Paul and Denny will get teams
together and do a rally tri.
That means each person does one part of the tri.
Pam and I found shirts that fit us just right.
We got each of us a sticker for our cars.
I can't say enough to thank Sami and Pam for doing this with me.
Denny and Paul for being our pit crew/photographers, and Denny chef.
Mom and Bruce for driving down for Friday afternoon.
Jeanie, Kip & Evie for coming over Friday night and
being at the finish line then going to dinner with us.
I have found that I can't do any of the things I do without the support of great friends and great family.
This one on my bucket list.
I will be doing this again.
I loved the training for the shorter events and training for all of them together.
I have found out that it take's dedication to be an athlete of any kind.
I'm loving it and plan on doing more,
trying to push myself to new adventures,
and getting more people involved.
So watch out you might be next.