Had a fun November getting ready for the holidays.
Started out with my last posting of Sewing weekend.
Mom and I got so excited about sewing we took our birthday and Christmas money for each other and bought a sewing machine.
It was really funny watching Denny and mom try and set it up.
Mom and I started stocking's for my kids.
Ya, I didn't get to far on mine, but mom got hers done.
She did a really great job.
Here is mine so far. LOL
And as always I have my nieces over to make cookies.
Courtney and her friend Violet came over and made cut out cookies.
Julie and I are putting together a party favor for each family on our Polar Express day.
We had a blast deciding and making them.
I can't show the finished project until after everyone sees them.
But here are some of the parts.
It took several get togethers for Julie and I. Denny spray painted all of them .
Ya, I didn't want to get the paint under my nails and Julie is pregnant so she couldn't smell the fumes.
Which I loved LOL.
The first time we sprayed the whole house smelled of spray paint.
Being in the house for several hours and a couple of beers and I was really funny. Anything that came out of my mouth didn't make any sense.
(Ya I know nothing new with that) LOL

Even Mr B. helped us out.
So excited to show everyone.
Our family is all riding the Polar Express on Dec 10th @ 7:30pm.
We are having a party at my house before and then after the ride.
We had my cousin Meghan, Wes, Lily ,& Chloe over for dinner.
Wes is getting deployed on Dec 7th.
So he won't be able to do the Polar Express with us or Christmas with his family.
He will be gone a year.
I really felt like we need to have them for dinner before he left.
We had a great time.
We played a little dress up.
Brooke came over and made Snicker doodles.
Chris helped me out with my chocolate cookies.
We had a great Thanksgiving.
The house was full on Wednesday night.
Denny's mom Jeanne came from Reno for the week.
Sami & Tino came down from Tacoma.
Brooke, Courtney, Jake, & Violet stayed over.
Chris was here for awhile until he had to go to work.
Tino & Denny made lumpia.
They were really good.
The kids played cards and
Tino taught Jake how to play "soda pong"
Then we tired to make cookie turkey's.
(This is Denny's cousin Ann's)
They look great and that is where I got the idea.
Ya, ours' don't look as impressive.
Violet and I got into a chocolate frosting fight.
Thanksgiving morning everyone was up early for the
3rd annual Corwin Turkey Trot.
Even Gma (Jeanne) went with us.
Most people ran the 2 mile run, some ran 4 miles and some ran 6 miles.
Then there is my family who walked about a 1/4 mile then
went back to the car because they were cold. LOL
Jake was staying up with Denny and I the best he could.
Then he decided he wanted to go back.
We didn't know if anyone was still there waiting for us,
so Denny, Jake, and I also went back to the start.
So we didn't make it too far either.
Waiting for everyone to run by us.
These boys were crazy running in their underwear.
It again was another fun run.
Great way to start out the day.
Back to the house for a hot breakfast.
As always we have way to much food.
Mom and Bruce, Kim & Jason also came over.
My bird turned out beautifully.
We tried to get a good family picture like we do each year on Thanksgiving for our Christmas cards.
I didn't like any of them. LOL
So the pictures will only be on here, Im not wasting the ink and paper.
Hopefully we will get a good one before it is to late to mail out cards.
It was a wonderful day.
Thank you all for coming and making this Thanksgiving special.
And to all of you that I called late in the evening.
I hate it when I get the drunk cries.
Friday morning Jeanne started back to Reno,
and I slowing started turning the house into a winter wonderland.
By the end of Sunday night, I still wasn't done with everything
I need to go to get ready for the Family party.
Here is the start.
I don't know why Denny thinks I go over board. LOL
Denny got some lights up outside.
They look great and every year he put the "W" in red on the side of the house.
This Mr. and Mrs. Clause my grandma Holter (my dad's mom)
made years ago out of reader digest books.
Well off to finish up November and onto December.
My favorite month.
I guess I need to get some workouts in before I weight 500 lbs.