February 28, 2013

February Training...

Going into week 14.

Feb 2, 2013
17 miles
My first long run for the month was a 17 miler. 
My cousin Wes was doing it with me. 
I didn't walk or stop at all for the first 10 miles. 
I was so excited. 

My best 10 miles ever. 

The last couple of miles were rough ones. 
I did go back to run - walk, run -walk.
I screwed up on my app and forgot to start it, 
my app says 16 but my watch says 18,
 (it runs a little fast) so I'm guessing I did 17 ...

Wes, thank you so much for going with me and pushing me to not walk. 
It was an AWESOME run. 
Love ya and Thanks again...

Here is Pam's 17 miles. 
Great job Pam.. 

Week 15
Feb. 10, 2013
18 miles 
This was the week to do 18 miles.
 Denny took me and dropped me off 2 miles outside of Napavine. 
It was strange watching him drive off knowing that 
I had to run all the way home and then some. 
It turned out to get 18 miles in, I ran from 2 miles out of Napavine through 
Chehalis, to Centralia, down Mellow Street and back on 
Gold Street and to the fairgrounds to hit the 18 miles. 
No one ran with me but Denny followed me around in the truck. 
He would make sure I was ok and give me water when I needed it. 
I was so glad to see Denny at the 18 mile point with the truck for me to get into. LOL 
That was a rough one, but I did it. 
They say if you can do 18 miles you can do the 26.2. 
Holy crap I still can't believe I'm doing this. 

Week 16
Feb 16, 2013 
16 miles

Pam and I got to run together. 
She and Paul had come over to watch Wes and Meghan's kids so
 Pam and I were able to get our 16 mile run in. 
It was good to have her to push me, I got one of my best runs in. 

Week 17
Feb 23, 2013
13.1 miles 
Tri City 1/2 Marathon in Richland. 
This was mine and Pam's second time doing
 this run and we both PR'd. 
It was a fun but cold and windy run. 
I do have to say I will never do this one again. LOL 
To much wind. 

I'm really working on my food intake before during and after the run. 
My stomach is really sensitive when I'm running so I can't do the "Gu" 
so I got some advise from people and was told to try some different things. 
So here you go. Something in this pile should work. LOL 

I ordered these pants and I'm excited to train in them, 
I have heard they are awesome. 
Maybe they will make me run really really fast LOL

CW-X Women's Stabilyx Running Tights

  • lycra
  • Women's compression tights designed to provide optimum targeted support to core and knees
  • Patented CW-X Support Web bands together muscles and ligaments to stabilize knee
  • Supports the lower abdominals, hips, and back to channel power through the core
  • 80 percent Coolmax/20 percent Lycra construction offers 4-way-stretch comfort
  • Flat seam construction; key pocket; double-reinforced waistband with flat draw cord

I think my training is going good. The long runs are already getting old and 
I'm ready for them to be over but I still have several weeks to go. 

I didn't get my 100 miles running in for the month but I did get 80.1. 
(it was a short month)
But that's OK, Pam made me realize that in the last 7 weeks we have run 
at least a 1/2 marathon every weekend if not more. 
That is unreal to me. 

This is the way to end the month and pamper my feet. 
Pedicure and hot wax treatment. 
Love this... 

March here I come... 
Run... Run... Run... 

February 24, 2013

Richland 1/2 Marathon 2013

Tri-City 1/2 Marathon weekend. 
Denny, Michel, Renee and I took off early Friday headed to Richland. 
We got to see lots of snow at the top of the pass.

 Poor Denny out getting the frozen snow off the wipers. 

Of course I made Renee get out in the snow for a picture. 
She loves it when I make her do stuff like that, NOT! LOL 

Saturday morning, we were all up and ready to run. 
OMG it was cold and windy. 
Renee had asked me before we signed up for the run "is this the one
 run with all the wind?" I told her "NO" 
LOL I guess I forgot that is was. 
I thought she was going to kill me after the run. 

8 am and off we go. 

This is Shannon, she is training to qualify for the Boston marathon. 
She is one of my cousin Julie's friends. 

The guys again would follow us along the run and take pictures,
 Michel would jump in and run with us for awhile. 
Here he comes with Renee. 

Here comes Pam to the finish line. 
This was a personal best run for her. 

Here comes Renee to the finish line. 
Michel ran about a half mile with her at this point. 
He also ran that with me when I was coming in to the finish. 

Emily, Paige and Archer came out to watch us come across the finish line. 
Thanks you guys for all your support. 

My finish.This was a personal best run. 
My last PR was 3:03:06

After all us girls had finished Denny gave us each a pink little box, 
they each had a pair of 13.1 earrings. 
How sweet is that. 
Love him... 

What a great weekend. 
We also got to spend time with my cousins and my Inspired running 
coach Christy and her husband Steve.
Thank you Denny, Paul and Michel for again being out pit-crew and support team. 
We couldn't do this stuff without you guys. 
Love you three. 

Thank you so much Pam and Paul for again letting us stay at your 
house and drink lots of your wine. LOL 
Love you both tons. 

So pretty on the way home.