Pam posted that she was doing the Wenatcheee marathon, oh no
not the 1/2 but the whole damn thing.
not the 1/2 but the whole damn thing.
Well you know me, I can't let her do something and me not being able to
say I did the same thing.
say I did the same thing.
So yes, I singed up for the Wenatchee marathon on April 20, 2013.
All races will start at the Performing Arts Plaza on Wenatchee Avenue.
6:30am: Early Bird Start for Marathon walkers (26.2 miles only)
8:00am: Half Marathon (runners and walkers)
8:15am: Marathon and 10K
All races will start at the Performing Arts Plaza on Wenatchee Avenue.
6:30am: Early Bird Start for Marathon walkers (26.2 miles only)
8:00am: Half Marathon (runners and walkers)
8:15am: Marathon and 10K
Yes I will be in the 6:30am group.

So I really need to focus on my running and training.
Pam last year had taken several class on Chi Running.
She had already arranged for one of the Chi coaches to come to the Chehalis area
and give us a private class for those of us who want to take it.
That is going to be on November 5th.
I'm excited about that.
Pam and I also signed up for the Chi marathon 24 week training schedule.
We don't start that until next week, so that it will end on "M" day April 20th.
Marathon Beginner - 24 Weeks
Learn the Chi Running technique in this 24-week marathon
program for beginner runners.
With long distance technique practice, you’ll build aerobic
and cardiovascular capacity and improve efficiency.
Race-specific training will prepare you for any
challenge you might encounter during your race.
Your e-Chi Training Program includes:
I also belong to a "Inspired Running" group on Facebook.
Inspired Running
Christy Lambert is the Founder & Chief Running Officer.
An online community of beginning runners & walkers.
Founded on the premise that no one is too slow to start and everyone deserves
the support of a group.
She work's with individuals who want to take their lives from ordinary to extraordinary.
Together she help's tackle challenges with life, fitness & money to achieve
goals from a place of inspiration rather than obligation.
I posted this on the running wall right after I signed up for the full marathon.
With long distance technique practice, you’ll build aerobic
and cardiovascular capacity and improve efficiency.
Race-specific training will prepare you for any
challenge you might encounter during your race.
Your e-Chi Training Program includes:
- weekly emails with that week's daily workouts to keep you motivated and on track with your training
- video lessons of the Chi Running technique
- an easy-to-use online log
- Chi solutions to physical issues
- comprehensive Appendices to answer your questions
- helpful reports on your progress
- Chi forums to connect with other Chi Runners
I also belong to a "Inspired Running" group on Facebook.
Inspired Running
Christy Lambert is the Founder & Chief Running Officer.
An online community of beginning runners & walkers.
Founded on the premise that no one is too slow to start and everyone deserves
the support of a group.
She work's with individuals who want to take their lives from ordinary to extraordinary.
Together she help's tackle challenges with life, fitness & money to achieve
goals from a place of inspiration rather than obligation.
I posted this on the running wall right after I signed up for the full marathon.
Teri Schmidt-Wiley- to do it then I would have too. So I need your help with a 6 month marathon training plan. You already know what I'm up to as far as the 1/2 marathon last weekend so I need to know how to correctly train. Can you help me please? LOL
- Christy Lambert Teri - yes of course. On three conditions, 1 no goals around time, 2 a willingness to try run/walk method ,3. A promise to listen to your body & have fun.Teri Schmidt-Wiley--- Christy Lambert, you got it I just want to finish..Then later Christy private messaged me this-Christy Lambert
Congrats on the 1/2! I'll work with you to create a plan for the full. In the meantime, would you be willing to be featured as our inspired runner for November? I'd love to share your story with the community. Let me know your thoughts. Christy
Teri Schmidt-Wiley
OMG, I would love to... I heard Pam's interview serveral months ago. Loved it..
So these next several months are definitely going to be an adventure.
I know one thing, Pam and I will really be in shape and be able to mark this off our bucket list.
Yes, this will be the only full marathon for both of us.
Both our husbands already asked each of us that question. LOL
April 20th will be an amazing day.
What a way to spend mine and Denny's 27th wedding anniversary which is April 25th.