With the move of my mom and Bruce to Arizona,
Denny and I decided to spend Christmas in Kansas with his little brother
Mike and his family.
Mike and his family.
All of Denny's family on his dad's side live in Kansas and surrounding area's.
We have never had a Christmas away from our kids so of course they got to go.
Denny's mom Jeanne & Tino, Sami's boy friend came with us also.
The planning of this trip was a little crazy.
There were 7 round trips to and from the air port in Kansas.
Denny's mom left on the 20th from Reno, with a lay-over in Denver.
Unfortunately a storm hit and they cancelled her flight from Denver to Kansas.
She ended up in and hotel for about 24 hrs, and she landed several hours
after Denny and I.
after Denny and I.
Denny and I got there the 22nd.
I have never flown around this time of year, at both airports there were caroler's.
That was pretty cool.
It was great to finally be there...
Susan had the house beautifully decorated for the holiday.
Merry Christmas... 2012

We took a trip to the cemetery to see
Grandpa Ron & Great Grandpa Ray
& Great Grandma Helen
Then got go to the farm and Jack's cabin.
Great drawings of Grandpa Ray & Grandma Helen
It was great to finally be there...
Susan had the house beautifully decorated for the holiday.
We went to my first basketball game.
Of course we all had to wear purple.
This was the steepest escalator I have ever been on, it freaked me
out so bad I had to sit down on the way up.
Our seats we in the nose bleed section.
Jeanne and I almost didn't sit down.
Here is a video of the last minute of the game that KSU won.
Everyone was on their feet and really loud.
Grandma. Sami, Reagan & Jenna made cookies.
They made some special ones for the baby.
After church on Christmas eve Mike and Susan found out what the
sex of their 3rd child is.
It was so cool that they waited to find out until all of us were there.
They had the doctor write down if it was a girl or boy, then they mailed
it to their neighbor.
She opened the envelope the day before Christmas eve and baked a cake.
It is going to be either blue or pink?
PINK... It's a girl..
The Wiley's
The Wiley's
GMA and the girls
Susan's parents with the girls.
The girls were great about having to wait to open presents.
When everyone got up, the girls opened their stocking and then
Denny, Sami and I took off to the airport to get Tino.
He flew all night to get to spend Christmas with us.
I think everyone got spoiled.
What a wonderful Christmas day.
Dec 26, was Chris's 26th birthday.
Chris wanted to go for BBQ so we went to
Oklahoma Joe's BBQ
where we waited in line for about an hour.
It was worth the wait.
Grandma Jeanne, Reagan & Jenna made him a cake.
It was so cute.
Denny and Mike had gotten Ron & Ray a stone at the
National World War 1 Museum.
Grandpa Ron & Great Grandpa Ray
& Great Grandma Helen
We all had a Budweiser beer in honor of Ron.
Love you and miss all of you.
I really loved watching all the kids playing games together.
Tino was a trooper and played "Pretty, Pretty Princess"
I got lots of running done while I was back there.
I already did a blog post for that,
Click on this link
The Adventures of Teri J Wiley
The kids all went home on the 27th and Jeanne on the 29th.
They do a balloon drop for the kids at 10pm.
It also snowed all day...
Denny, Chris, Sami, Tino and I can't thank these 4 enough for
having us all at the house for the holidays.
It was an amazing trip and we each have some very special memory's.
Love you guys so much.
We can't wait to meet the newest Wiley girl coming in February.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
I already did a blog post for that,
Click on this link
The Adventures of Teri J Wiley
Denny and I stayed until Jan 2nd.
Mike and Susan have a New Years Eve party every year and wanted us to stay for it.
It was alot of fun.
It also snowed all day...
Denny, Chris, Sami, Tino and I can't thank these 4 enough for
having us all at the house for the holidays.
It was an amazing trip and we each have some very special memory's.
Love you guys so much.
We can't wait to meet the newest Wiley girl coming in February.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.