This is my 3rd Turkey Trot, but this year I didn't do the Corwin Trot,
I did the Olympia Trot with my cousin Julie and Aunt Pam.
This is my 3rd Turkey Trot, but this year I didn't do the Corwin Trot,
I did the Olympia Trot with my cousin Julie and Aunt Pam.
The run started with the kid's turkey trot.
Bennett, Lily & Lexi did that run.
Denny, Paul, Joel & Anne were also there to support the runners.

And they are off...
The kids run was a 1/2 mile.
They were so cute.

After the kids were done, Pam, Julie and I did 4 miles.
I was pretty excited about my speed, I kept up with them, or maybe
they just slowed down for me LOL
What a fun way to start out the day.
After the run, Denny and I were off to Wes & Meghan's for Thanksgiving dinner.
This was Wes's first time cooking a turkey, he did an awesome job.
It was so good, and not dry LOL
Thanks everyone for a wonderful Thanksgiving day.
I feel so blessed to have you are in my life.
Love you all!!!