Everyone else in the office had already gone to a class there.
Renee had already been serveral times.
Renee had already been serveral times.
Yesenia & Karina went in July.
Heidi & Kimberly went in August.
Well it was now my turn.
And as most of you know I don't like to go anywhere alone,
so Renee went with me.

so Renee went with me.
We signed up for the Life and Financial Services class.
I was really nervous about it, I kinda felt I was in over my head in this class because I'm not financially licensed.
Renee told me
"you didn't have to be licensed to take this class",
Thank god LOL.
The class was Monday, Tuesday, & till noon on Wednesday.
Renee and I flew into LAX on Sunday afternoon.
We checked into the hotel and then went to
Renee's brother Mark and his wife Carolyn 's house for dinner.
It was really strange to be in sunshine again and
seeing a lemon tree in their back yard.
Check out Jack-Jack their dog.
He's like a horse in the house. LOL
They have twins,
Dex & Haden.
They are really good dancers.
Dinner was great and the best part was the french bread.
(not really, Carolyn burnt it)
But really, Thanks again for having us over.
We had to be on the bus by 7:45am.
Holy cow, class started right at 8am and we would get a
break every hour to hour and half and would go until 5pm.
The teaching team was awesome and the rest of the people
in the class were great.
There are so many great ideas and so much to learn.
New marketing ideas and sales techniques.
Every day I would walk out totally drained,
and feeling a little top heavy with all that
stuff crammed into my head. LOL

We got to take a tour of the claims training department.
Way cool how they teach the adjustor's
to properly handle a claim.
Also upstairs was a Farmers museum.
I found my new boyfriend up there,
but I couldn't bring him home.
We also got to have dinner with some old friends from Farmers,
who moved to LA to work in the home office.
Monica, Warner & Sophia.
I'm so excited to start using some of the ideas that we learned.
This year is going to rock!!!
We met some great agents and can't wait to see how everyone grows their agency's using things they learned in this class.
We all went for dinner one night and got to share our stories.
Thank you Renee for sending me, and going with me.
I will put a lot of this into action.
I'm proud to be a Farmers girl.